Curve balls can come flying from nowhere and boy have we had one thrown at our heads with COVID-19. The pandemic and its consequences are affecting us all, and it's true to say that it its taking its toll not only on our physical health, but our mental health as well.
We wanted to help people to catch this curve ball and take back control and so created this mini course.
Perhaps you're overwhelmed, anxious and stressed. Perhaps you're worried or scared about what the future may hold for you.
If so, this mini course was designed for you.
All you need is 25 minutes, a pen and piece of paper. The course is video driven.
On the course, Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland explains what anxiety is and what's happening in side your mind and body, and why, to create the thoughts, feelings and behaviours you're experiencing. More importantly Amanda shows you what you can do to cope and regain control.
As a result you can be more at ease, more calm and more prepared.
Enjoy the Course
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