I don’t know about you, but over the last few weeks, my inbox has been bombarded with offers of help and advice on setting my goals for 2018.
I love reading these tips and techniques from my fellow coaches, because there’s always something new or different for me to learn and add to my coaching tool box to share with my clients. For example, this info-graphic created by the Coaching Tools Company “10 Smart & Unusual Goal Setting Tips”. Just follow the link to download your copy.
Helping people to set meaningful, empowering goals and establish the action steps necessary to turn those goals into reality, is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable parts of being a coach.
In my experience, having coached loads of people, two things are often overlooked when it comes to setting goals and achieving them.....
Firstly, alignment is vital to successful goal achievement. When we align our goals with our innate needs, core values and beliefs, goal achievement becomes so much easier and faster! Unfortunately, this vital alignment is often missing with the result that our goals are never fully realised. If you'd like to learn more about the importance of alignment click here for an article that appeared in my December 2016 newsletter.
And here's a simple exercise to help you to determine whether the goals you’ve selected to work on in 2018 align with your values and, if they do, to determine their priority. Click here for the exercise.
Secondly, addressing limiting beliefs and irrational fears is vital to successful goal achievement. If for example a person's beliefs include; that they’re not good enough, or they lack the necessary skills and capabilities, or they are not deserving of success, or life is too uncertain to take risks etc, then these limiting beliefs are likely to derail goal achievement.
The three main fears that stop people in their tracks are: the fear of failure, the fear of success and the fear of being judged. Because these beliefs and fears operate at a subconscious level a person may not understand why they are not making as much, if any, progress towards their goal(s). They become confused and/or frustrated by the fact that others seem to be able to 'Just Do It' so why can't they?
It's often difficult to change these limiting beliefs and irrational fears using conscious thought and willpower alone, because they operate mostly at a subconscious level. With the help of a good coach, particularly one skilled in working with the subconscious mind, a person can relatively quickly overcome these obstacles and go on to achieve their goals and dreams.
I have a coach and have experienced just how important and valuable a coach can be in setting and achieving meaningful, rewarding, empowering goals. A coach also provides support, guidance and accountability. People find that when they work with a coach they accomplish much more than they could ever achieve alone. As Eric Schmidt, executive chairman of Google says: “Everyone needs a coach.” ~
What Next?
If you any questions or need help with goal setting, values elicitation, obstacle/roadblock jumping - feel free to get In touch - 021 056 8389 or email tony@tycoaching.nz.
Well that's it for this week's blog - I shall be back next week; in the meantime, I wish you a continued awesome start to the new year and my very best wishes.
Go well
Tony helps individuals to harness the power of their mind to achieve success and well-being in life, work and business. Tony's particular area of expertise is in helping people perform under pressure and gain freedom from worry, anxiety and stress. Tony’s solution focused approach to coaching uses a range of techniques drawn from the fields of co-active coaching, professional hypnosis, positive psychology and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).