Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful, enjoyable festive season and wish you a healthy, happy, successful and prosperous New Year.
I’m curious – was one of your New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight?
It was?
Have you put yourself on a diet?
How’s that going so far?
A fruit smoothie for breakfast, a tin of tuna in spring-water for lunch and a piece of poached chicken for dinner? Starving as a result? Can’t stop thinking about chocolate cake?
Dieting is the act of changing eating and exercise habits in an effort to lose weight and ostensibly improve your health.
If you’ve tried dieting in the past, or are on a diet now, you know dieting is hard and the results don’t last long-term. That’s right……
Dieting does not work!
In fact research tells us:
- There is no diet in the world today that can boast figures and statistics to prove it works in the very long term.
- Dieting may make you more overweight, especially in the long run.
- Dieting may be bad for your health.
“Diet culture has stolen our well-being. It's time for us to take it back.”
~ Christy Harrison registered dietitian nutritionist and certified intuitive eating counsellor
So if dieting doesn't work what does?
“Think Slim –Train Your Brain To Lose Weight”
Diets overlook two key ingredients - the power of your mind and supportive habits.
If you’d like to finally get all the way down to your natural, happiest, most confident weight permanently, you need to adopt the right mind-set combined with some new supportive, empowering habits.
Only 5% of the people who diet ever succeed permanently. The main thing these 5% have in common is their shift in mind-set. They changed their beliefs about, and relationship with, food and themselves.
The “Think Slim –Train Your Brain To Lose Weight” approach I use to help people achieve their weight goals, incorporates evidence based techniques from the fields of modern psychology, to make both cognitive and behavioral changes - and better yet - to make those changes much easier and faster.
What Next?
“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”
~ Anon
If you (or anyone you know) have been struggling with your weight for a while then I’d like to invite you to a free, 60 minute, “Think Slim –Train Your Brain To Lose Weight” consultation with me.
This is an opportunity to get to know me and explore my approach to weight management. It will help you decide whether my solution is the best option to help you live at your natural, happiest, most confident weight.
We can meet either Face 2 Face or on Skype during usual NZ office hours.
The number of spaces I have free in my diary, each month, for these consultations is limited and, as I don’t know how intense the response will be, I can’t guarantee a session for everyone this month. I’ll take as many people as I can and then start a waiting list.
Email me now from the contact page to claim your free one hour “Think Slim –Train Your Brain To Lose Weight” consultation today.
And remember, if you'd like my help in making one or more of your other New Year's resolutions a reality, simply use the Book Now button below and let's get started.
Have a great week,
Go well
Tony helps individuals to harness the power of their mind to achieve success and well-being in life, work and business. Tony's particular area of expertise is in helping people perform under pressure and gain freedom from worry, anxiety and stress. Tony’s solution focused approach to coaching uses a range of techniques drawn from the fields of co-active coaching, hypnosis, positive psychology and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).