Anxiety is a feeling
The feeling is generated by your instinctive survival operating system (SOS) which is operating non-stop, 24/7 365 days a year. Its job is to keep you alive by responding to real and present dangers and possible future dangers (risks) to your physical and emotional wellbeing.
You identify the risks to your future wellbeing through the process of worrying. You look out into the future and ask, “What if …?”
Your imagination then answers the question. If the answer is that you will be harmed in some way, physically and/or emotionally, then the SOS swings into action and you feel anxious.
The purpose of anxiety is twofold
Firstly, the uncomfortable feeling helps bring the existence of the risk to your conscious awareness and secondly, because the feeling is uncomfortable, it motivates you to take action to mitigate the risk.
Good and bad anxiety
When the risk is real and could possibly eventuate, then we can say the anxiety, is ‘good’ anxiety. Good anxiety serves to motivate you take action to mitigate a real risk to your physical and/or emotional wellbeing. When you take action that mitigates the risk the intensity of your anxiety goes down. If you manage to fully mitigate the risk your anxiety disappears.
When the risk is not real or is unlikely to occur, we can say the anxiety is ‘bad’ anxiety because it’s making us feel uncomfortable about something we don’t need to do anything about.
When we find ourselves worrying day in, and day out, about stuff that would never normally bother us at all we can find ourselves in a highly anxious state most, or all the time. This is bad anxiety.
The impact of living in a continuously highly anxious state
There’s a very real cost to living in such a continuously highly anxious state, in terms of its adverse impact on your physical and mental health. Continual, ongoing anxiety (and chronic stress):
- keep anxiety under control.
- transform your anxious mind into a calm, comfortable, and relaxed mind.
- rapidly destress
- experience deep relaxation
- effectively address real dangers and calmy dismiss unreal, imagined dangers.
- change how you think about danger and fears in general.
- overcome specific fears such as heights, enclosed spaces, needles
How does hypnotherapy achieve these outcomes?
Neuroscience has confirmed that we can literally to rewire our brains and, as it turns out, hypnotherapy is one of the most effective and rapid ways to do this. Through the medium of hypnotherapy, you can intentionally, and with a clear purpose, rewire your brain (and your SOS) such that you can stop bad anxiety. What’s more hypnotherapy is safe, rapid, and enjoyable.
Based on my decade long experience of using hypnotherapy to help people say goodbye to ‘bad’ anxiety, I’ve developed a bespoke HYPNO4ANXIETY program. The program puts you back in the driving seat, so you control your worry thoughts rather than them controlling you. Less unnecessary, unhelpful worry thoughts equals less anxiety.
And as your anxiety lifts and diminishes, you feel calmer and more in control you can think clearer and start to see opportunities where previously you only saw threats. Life becomes so much more enjoyable and rewarding.
As you work through the program you develop a set of skills and practices that are going to enable you to avoid bad anxiety in the future. No longer will you be the helpless victim of fear and anxiety, you’ll be able to manage your emotional states in such a way that good outcomes and good feelings become very much more likely.
Need some help with your anxiety?
If you want help getting your anxiety under control, simply click the button below to secure a free 30 min Zoom or phone consult with me, where we can explore how I can help you liberate yourself from anxiety. Alternatively give me a call or contact me today on 021 056 8389 or email